Pots, Gifts, Hardware

Photo © Bulleen Art & Garden
BAAG Bookshop – Be sure to browse through our bookshop when you next visit BAAG, we stock a wide range of books and that cater to professional gardeners, gardening enthusiasts… and even people who don’t like gardening at all!

Photo © Bulleen Art & Garden
Pots and Birdbaths – The pot range at BAAG is one of the biggest in Melbourne. We have a huge selection of Terracotta, Glazed and Plastic pots in hundreds of sizes and styles to suit any house or garden. We also stock a wide range of pots and birdbaths that have been hand made by local artists in ceramic, mosaic and steel.

Photo © Bulleen Art & Garden
Fertiliser Facts – With so many different types of fertilisers out there, it’s hard to know which one is the best to use. Here’s a bit of a background info on the different types of fertiliser available and how they affect your garden.

Photo © Bulleen Art & Garden
Bokashi Bucket – “Bokashi” is the Japanese term for “fermented organic matter”. It is not a radical new idea because this system of recycling organic waste has been used for centuries in Japan. Now available is the Bokashi Bucket, into which 100% of your organic household wastes can be recycled easily and cleanly.

Photo from Unsplash by Erda Estremera
Water Saving Products – There are many materials now available which can help retain moisture in the soil longer or help water to rewet soil, which has become hydrophobic. These products help to save water and keep plants alive through periods of drought.

Photo © Bulleen Art & Garden
Renovating and sealing ceramic and terracotta garden pots – Given enough time, even the best quality ceramic and terracotta garden pots can be marred by mould, dirt stains, watermarks and efflorescence (the salty white bloom that you sometimes see on the outside of them).